Whether you own a large backyard with a swimming pool nearby or you live in an apartment with simple balcony, you probably will spend a great deal of time enjoying the tranquility there. Therefore it’s essential to select some outdoor furniture to match with your chilling zone so that your private space gets even cozier.

A vast selection of outdoor furniture are available in decor 8, ranging from bar stools, lounge chairs to canopies etc. You can find everything you want in our website. One special feature of our showroom is that most of the outdoor furniture here are made up of synthetic rattan, which is durable, UV resistant and water resistant - a great material for outdoor furniture in Hong Kong. Some typical examples include the lounge chairs and outdoor sofas in the post. Outdoor furniture comes in various size and colour, which can be fitted into designated outdoor space according to the existing style of your outdoor space.

不論你是住在別墅,坐擁諾大花園或是住在城市一角,擁有一個小型露台,您大概會花不少時間待在這些地方享受戶外環境帶來的恬靜。所以,用戶應更花心思於搭配及添置戶外傢俬,使您的空間更添一份舒適。 Decor8特設戶外傢俬系列,產品包括酒吧高椅、沙發丶天篷等。顧客可於我們網站找到更多心儀產品。另外,本商店戶外傢具多以人造籐作編織,比一般物料耐用,且有防水及防UV功效,適宜置放於戶外。戶外產品均設有不同顏色及大小,方便顧客按需要及喜好決定。